This was a recent job for SooJin Buzelli for the online mag
ai5000. It all started out as a completely different job for PlanSponsor magazine which SooJin also art directs. I submitted 5 ideas including the one below for an article on healthcare reforms but we ended up going for a different concept. However she really liked the skull and said she would keep it in mind for something else if it was appropriate.

Normally when an AD says this I don't get my hopes up too high and never hear about the rough again. To SooJin's credit she came back a couple of weeks later and said she had an article on Equity which would be a perfect fit for the concept but there was one hitch...The format was different and I had to reshape the layout. I said no probs. I've always found coming up with concepts to be the hard bit of the job. Resizing an existing concept was a breeze.

Here's the final layout

And here's the finished piece.

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